“Glory Days” Brings Glory to Little Mix Album


I’m a tough critic when it comes to music, but Glory Days by Little Mix shocked me, which released on Nov. 18.

I know that when listening to a new album, you should go in with no expectations; you shouldn’t be set on hating it or loving it before the chords even reach your ears.

But I did. I went in critical, because I listened to this group in middle school, and my two best friends and I sang their song “Little Me” two years ago at Voices of Wando (that song was amazing, don’t get me wrong, but it’s old).

I’m really happy to be proven wrong.

It’s empowering and so dance-able I can’t help but get up and dance (if you can consider my dancing skills an actual dance). And, like, I get out of breath getting up from the couch and going to the kitchen. So.

Songs from Glory Days are now dawning my Driving Playlist. It takes a lot to get onto that, trust me. A lot.

So I honestly don’t care if you’re a guy or a girl who thinks you’re too good for a “girl-group,” or one with a somewhat young audience.

Sit down and listen to it.