Picks and Peeves: Andy Comire
November 30, 2020
Pick: Dark Academia
I’m a sucker for this aesthetic. Anything that makes me feel like a sickly Victorian boy trapped in the gothic architecture of his boarding school with nothing but books to console his loneliness gets an entire Pinterest board dedicated to it. Plus it gives me an excuse to reread Frankenstein “for the aesthetic”.
Peeve: Bright colored Jeeps
Looks, I’m all for expressing yourself, but dear god if you’re going to buy a Jeep don’t make it look like something out of Willy Wonka’s factory. Why don’t you try to not blind me at 7 a.m. with your neon monstrosity. If I catch you driving a school bus yellow, jolly rancher green or Walmart icing blue jeep, you’re dead to me. And the people who drive orange jeeps? There’s a special ring of hell reserved just for you.
Pick: Sewing
Alright, so I may be biased because I’m a cosplayer but nothing is more satisfying to me than finishing a piece. Sitting down at my machine with rain hitting my window and The Penumbra Podcast playing in the background is my idea of a perfect afternoon to wind down and let the frustrations of the day go from my body into the stitches.
Peeve: Outer Banks
I despise OBX, crucify me if you want. I have nothing against the cast, I’m sure they’re very lovely people, but dear god the dialogue, the plot and the cinematography are atrocious. It’s just a cash grab, and y’all only think it’s good because John B. is hot and it’s filmed in Charleston. You’re not special for liking this show, it’s a stupid bandwagon and you should spend your time watching something with more heart and effort put into it.
Picks: VILLAIN (K/DA, Madison Beer, Kim Petras)
The fact that a video game was able to create such a fierce banger still hasn’t settled with me. I play this song in the shower, in the car, in my room at 3am and every single time I feel like God. “VILLAIN” has no right to be as amazing of a bop as it is, but yet here I am singing it’s praise. Seriously, even if you don’t understand the lore of this game and why K/DA exists, just listen to it, I can guarantee it will be on your playlists very soon.