2018 Prom Rules

Annie Wright, Staff Writer

While prom is about making memories and having fun, there are certain rules you need to make sure to follow. These rules, according to Wando administration, include the following:

1. Once you enter the dance, you must remain in the building until you are ready to leave for the evening. When leaving, you must leave the grounds and may not return. No loitering is allowed in the parking lot.

2. Students who do not drive themselves to the dance must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the end of the dance. Students may be denied to attend future dances if their ride is late.

3. All guests must have a valid picture ID to verify eligibility to attend a dance.

4. Any person suspended or expelled from Charleston County School District or any other school district may not attend a dance or any other school function.

5. Dress requirements may be found listed in the school newsletter, website or listen to the daily announcements for details. The dress requirements will be enforced at the door. When in doubt, ask.

6. Students who dance in an inappropriate manner will be asked to leave the dance and will not receive a refund of the admission fee. The main concern is no crotch-to-crotch or crotch-to-buttocks dancing. Parents will be notified if students have been asked to leave the dance.

7. For safety reasons, dancers need to avoid excessive crowding together in the center of the dance floor.

8. Please do not leave valuables unattended. The school assumes no responsibility for loss or theft of items.

9. Students are to remember that the Charleston County School District Student Code of Conduct applies to all participants at any school function, including dances. Failure to comply with the rules may result in potential loss of after-school activities and events or other disciplinary action.

10. Only one high-school-age guest may attend with a Wando High School student. Middle school students may not attend high school dances. NOTE: Prospective guests who do not attend high school will be approved to attend the dance on an individual basis. Required paperwork must be submitted by the deadline. GUEST MUST BE UNDER 21.

Dress Code:

Dress Standards for Young Men:

• Casual shirt. Shirts must remain on and tucked in for the entire dance.
• Pants or shorts.

Dress Standards for Young Women:

• Dresses, skirts or shorts must be no shorter than fingertip length.
• Bare midriffs and plunging necklines are not allowed.
• Backs may not be lower than the natural waistline.
• No see-through material which exposes thighs, excessive cleavage or midriff.
• Slits may not be longer than fingertip length. Footwear: Footwear is expected of all and must be kept on at all times for health department reasons. Flip-flops or slippers are not allowed.