AP Academy welcomes almost 300 new members

Mackenzie Neirduffy, Website Production Team

AP Academy inducted 290 new members at its induction ceremony Oct. 24 at 7 p.m.
At the ceremony, inductees were recognized and received an AP Academy ID, lanyard and a carnation.

There are now almost 600 members in AP Academy, which was founded in 2013.
“I’m very happy that the program is sustaining itself every year and membership continues to grow. I think that means its a success,” said Misty Leclerc, AP Academy board member.

Applications for AP Academy open in May and September. To be a member, you must be an upperclassman, have a weighted GPA of a 4.0 or higher and submit three positive teacher recommendations.
Freshmen can apply to the academy at the end of their freshman year.