Club involvement at its best
Senior Jacob Hills member of the ping pong club enjoys playing every thursday morning before school starts, “Its just really fun its a way to get away from everything. I just get to enjoy myself and spend time with my friends.”
Ping Pong Club:
On Thursday morning, the sound of a ping pong bounces against the table. The wack of a paddle echoes through the hallway. But most importantly, the sound of students’ laughter overtakes the sound of a ping pong game.
Club sponsor, Jason Sox, has been sponsoring the ping pong club for over five years. The idea of the club first came when one of his students wanted to bring in a ping pong table.
“The student at the time was in my AP chemistry classroom…so once we…finished our lesson and everyone had completed their homework we would set it up and play for a little,” Sox said. “That student was a junior at the time so once we got the table on campus and then… the next year and that’s when we formally created the club.”
With about 20-30 students the club welcomes anybody who wants to play with or against their friends.
“We enjoy getting together and being a place where kids can come and meet other people [and] to play the sport,” Sox said. “But it’s a bring your friend and come have fun in the morning on Thursdays.”
While there is no set roster or amount of students, Sox encourages all to come and play.
“It’s a social club. We encourage anybody that wants to play to bring a friend. We’ve got paddles and the balls as well but just come out and grab a table whenever it’s free and enjoy it.” Sox said.
Digital Fashion Magazine Club
Recent fashion trends and thrift stores. Meetings every other week to put their work out. Student leader Faith Liu and her friend started a Digital Fashion Magazine Club early this year. The idea, however, was sparked when just scrolling online.
“It actually started because I saw a Tik Tok video of this girl who started a fashion magazine club at her school,” Liu said. “I was talking to…my co-president and we just thought it would be a really cool idea to start at Wando too.”
Just like any club, there must be a teacher sponsor. Using their AP language and composition teacher from their junior year, they now meet every other week with their members.
“We basically brief the members about their assignments or we get ideas from them for new things to write about or articles,” Liu said.
Recently, the club had a member focus on a recent fashion trend occurring.
“So someone did…fall fashion trends and then we have someone who’s working on thrift stores in Charleston,” Liu said. “For the one about fall fashion trends, she wrote them and then she got pictures from the fashion shows that went on and we also had some people taking their own pictures too.”
Liu and her co-president put their work online on their website or their Instagram page. However, as presidents, Liu does more than just display their work.
“We basically organize the meetings and then I give reminders to the members and make sure they know what they are doing,” Liu said. “If they have any questions then they can come and ask me.”
Dungeons and Dragons club:
While other clubs may be about fashion or new books, the Dungeons and Dragons Club, sponsored by Margaret Scarano, meets every other Tuesday to play a probability storytelling game.
Set up around the classroom of B-226, Scarano lets the members interact with one another.
“We have three different groups set up that are playing it and I let the students lead their own little sessions,” Scarano said.
However Scarano came to be the sponsor in an unusual way.
“[The student president] went to one of the vice principals and she just sent out a staff email saying if anyones interested and I’ve been playing Dungeons and Dragons for like five or six years,” Scarano said. “I knew the game and I jumped aboard and helped him set up the club.”
Even though this club is still fairly new, there are about 15 members who come and play. Unlike a normal board game, Dungeons and Dragons is set up in an unique way.
“You have set stories that they…get to play and interact with. It’s basically a video game meets a board game that you just play,” Scarano said.
How to apply to make a club
Starting or joining a new club is a way that students get involved in the school. By securing a teacher or two, new clubs then must fill out a form called the constitution template. There, questions about the purpose, meetings, responsibilities, and much more are there waiting to be filled out.
Once the teacher has agreed to sponsor, they must fill out the Sponsor Agreement form. Both forms must be turned into E-208, Mrs. McGees room.
However, no meetings or advertisements can take place until all forms are filled out and approved. An email will be sent out approving the club and then the whole process can begin
Once the club is approved, regular meetings must be held in order for the club to stay official. After that, the name of the club, student leaders, and teacher sponsors can be found on the Wando website.
Flyers and posters can be hung around the school, along with decorations in the hallways during spirit week to promote their club.