Diagnosing Senioritis
March 27, 2017
This morning, I woke up to my mother shaking me while holding up a blinding white light.
“How many of these are going to tell me that you were skipping class?”
In my face was her phone, brightness all the way up, with her list of voicemails pulled up. All of them from Wando Attendance and all of them not listened to.
“Umm.. A few?”
Truth be told, it was more than a few.
For the past three years, I’ve been a perfect student. All As and a few Bs, tons of extracurriculars and working at my job. And I never skipped class.
For those past three years, my senior friends would tell me all about how senioritis was real. They never wanted to come to class, never did homework, stopped coming to club meetings. To be completely honest, I thought it was just because they were lazy.
I denied the existence of senioritis, purely because a try-hard like me simply couldn’t imagine not caring about high school.
Let me tell ya… Senior year has been a rude awakening.
People — senioritis is real. And it’s a… struggle.
I have a late in and an early out, which means my school day has been reduced from seven hours to about four and half. It’s a significant difference and it makes coming in for those first and last classes a lot harder.
It makes coming in for any classes a lot harder.
I can honestly think of a million things I’d rather do than come to school.
Lay on the beach, sit in my bed watching Game of Thrones, gauge my eyes out with a spoon. (Okay, maybe that last one was an exaggeration… maybe).
But as I enter fourth quarter and the college notifications have started rolling in… It hasn’t gotten any easier.
It’s gotten worse.
And I have to come for senior skip day because of seat time.
So moral of the story is… even if you try and fight senioritis, it will win.