Pounce Cat Cafe is a Friendly, Clean Cafe

Pounce Cat Cafe is a Friendly, Clean Cafe

Hana Donnelly, Breaking News

I hate cats.

I hate cleaning their puke. I hate how they ignore the people that actually like them but adore the people that don’t like them.

I hate them.

So I went to Pounce Cat Cafe on 283 Meeting St. to play with some kittens knowing that most of them would not like me, but also knowing that I wouldn’t have to clean their vomit and feces up. It was bittersweet.

When I walked in, I noticed that the place was really clean for the amount of cats in the building, which was crazy since I personally never saw any staff cleaning anything.

The drinks offered with admission seemed okay, but they really weren’t the price of admission since they were just cans of soda. The place seemed very focused on alcohol and not so much on under 21 year olds and adults who don’t drink.

I sat by myself for the first few minutes until my mom came over with a kitten, who immediately jumped out of her arms and into my lap and then began mewling for my attention.

At one point I picked up a cat toy and annoyed a cat into playing with it. Apparently it was intriguing, and four more cats came over and all started fighting for it. It was honestly pretty cute.

Overall, my experience playing with cats at Pounce was pretty sweet since over the course of my stay I attracted about a fourth over and they were all very friendly. The staff were very talkative and the building was very clean. I would return again for sure.