The painters behind the paintbrush
Claire Lady and Hunter Robertson show off their school spirit on the last day of spirit week.
February 4, 2019
Spirit Week. Powderpuff. Homecoming. Semi-formal. How did you hear about these events? Most likely, you saw a poster for it in the rotunda. But it’s time to meet the faces behind them:
Claire Lady and Hunter Robertson.
Lady, a sophomore, serves as Publicity Assistant, promoting all school events, but she first got involved in Student Council through advisor Krystel Gamage.
“I had Mrs. Gamage…for World Geography, so being around her talking about [Student Council] I thought it could be something I’m interested in. I started last year and then fell in love with it.” Lady said.
Robertson, a senior, is Co-Spirit Chair in charge of planning pep rallies, teacher court, homecoming court, hallway decorating and Spirit Week.
“I was a freshman and I needed something to get involved with to put on my college applications, so I became a general member and then…as a junior I got a [leadership] position and loved it,” she said.
Creating these posters requires Robertson and Lady to rely on each other and takes more work than one may expect. They plan out where the posters will go and have an idea of what they want to do, but their ideas evolve as they go.
“It takes a lot of practice. As you do it [paint], you get more ideas of what you can do,” Lady said. “You slowly learn what colors go together,” Robertson added.
For each major event Student Council hosts, at least two posters are made for the rotunda. And for the most part, Lady and Robertson make them all themselves.
“During Spirit Week is when we delegate, but if it’s not Spirit week, we pretty much do it.” Robertson said.
This work has some unexpected effects. “It’s really therapeutic. It sounds crazy, but it really is,” Lady said.
She even finds poster ideas seeping into her other classes. “If I’m in class and I’m bored, I’ll [think about] what this sign can look like,” Lady said.
Even though poster making may seem trivial, it is essential to Student Council.
“If we don’t make the signs, no one is going to know about it. Even if we just rely on social media, it’s just not going to get to everyone. Not everyone has a social media. Not everyone looks at the flyers. Not everyone checks their emails. So if it’s big and bright and colorful, it’s more likely to draw your eye,” Lady said.
The location of the posters is essential as well.
“Sticking it in the rotunda, so many kids pass it. When you look around, you have to see it” Robertson said.
Designing and painting these posters provide the two students with a creative outlet.
“I like planning all of the events because I like having a say in what goes on…It’s really awesome to have a creative say in everything,” Robertson said. “Every day what I enjoy doing the most is probably painting and doing signs because it is somewhere I can put all my ideas” Lady said.
For those interested in joining Student Council, interest meetings will be held in the fall of next school year.