Wando Staff Feature: Jermaine Joyner

Administrator Jermaine Joyner
November 12, 2018
What are the specific responsibilities that your job entails?
“I am the lead administrator of school culture and school discipline, so anything that falls under that umbrella of PBIS, discipline referrals, discipline process falls under my umbrella.”
Did you have any administrative experience before Wando?
“Yes, this is my ninth year in Administration. I worked at Cairo as a middle school assistant principal. I worked at a K-8 elementary school; Sanders Clyde Creative Arts School as an assistant principal and principal.”
What is your favorite part of the job?
“My favorite part of the job is working with kids and seeing them grow throughout the years, so seeing that lightbulb hit them and seeing them develop over the years.”
Do you have any kids?
“I do. I have two beautiful kids, Lauren who is 14 years old and Jermaine who is seven.”
What are your favorite hobbies outside of school?
“My favorite hobbies are fishing, I love fishing. I try to go fishing every other day, and then a lot of things that deal with technology and computers. I used to ride a motorcycle, but I do not do it as often because now I want a boat.
If you could give students at Wando some future advice, what would you say?
“To enjoy high school, while you are in high school. School is about having fun while learning. Understand there are things that you will be able to enjoy later on in life, so take full advantage of your high school experience.”