Band Holds Annual Concerto Performance

Alone, on stage, with only your instrument and a piano accompanist.

The PAC was transformed into a recital setting for 30 students Nov. 30, performing a variety of music literature at the sixth annual Concerto Recital.

Lanie Radecke, assistant director, said recitals are an important part of music.
“We are able to choose students on each instrument that should have the opportunity to perform in a recital setting and it gives them the chance to also get feedback from a professional musician in the area,” she said.

The concerto included freshmen through seniors, all showcasing their individual talent. For some, it was their first time performing in a recital type setting.

“We have students who are preparing for college auditions; we have students who are just starting off playing solos, so it is representative of all levels of our students,” she said.

Junior Nolan Howard performed for the first time in the Concerto this year. The Concerto allowed Howard a different experience while playing.
“Being able to go out in front of people and performing a solo is a lot different than a chamber group,” he said. “It was the first time I had performed a solo in front of an audience. It was pretty cool.”

Over the years, the Concerto Recital has gone up in attendance and quality.
“We have gone from having 16-20 students to having nearly 30 students perform; we even had two venues this year,” Radecke said. “The level [of students] just keeps getting better and better.”