Freshmen Class President Has High Aspirations

Kendall Valdry, the newly elected freshman class president, possesses the composure and maturity of a well-seasoned politician.

As spokesman for the freshman class, Valdry hopes to ensure that everyone’s voices are being heard. “I’m going to just try to have as much input at the meetings and be welcoming to any freshman who have questions,” Valdry said “Although we’re only freshman and we can only do so much I still wanted to be a representative, and just be a light in your class and a light in your school.”

Wando’s immense student body can make the task of creating meaningful change seem daunting, but Valdry said she intends to steer her class in the right direction by encouraging positive change in those around her.

“One easy fix is just people being more open to other people. Trying to kind of teach people to alter their mindset about certain things and just be more open to other people and accepting to other people,” Valdry said.

Her mission is to make Wando a more inclusive atmosphere to the student body – starting with the freshman class.

“I would like to teach those around me to be themselves and be proud of that. This world tends to portray an image that is unrealistic and poisoning to the mind.” Valdry said. “We need to learn to love ourselves and be an example to others to be themselves as well.”

Valdry said she has looked to her parents for inspiration.

“They taught me everything that I know and they’ve really just helped me to have a firm foundation for everything that I believe in,” she said.

Valdry said she feels prepared for the job since she held the position of eighth grade class president at Cario Middle School and plans to be approachable and communicative as this year’s freshman class president.

“I’m a really social person, I love making people feel welcome,” Valdry said “I feel like I am able to get my point across in a firm but loving way. I am extremely confident in myself and in that, I am able to be confident in what I have to say as well.”

This year, Valdry is prepared to do whatever it takes to start down a road of making Wando more inclusive and accepting.