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  • Feb. 8; Academic Saturday school - Media Center; 8:30-12 p.m.
  • Feb. 10-14; Progress reports distributed
  • Feb. 11; High School Preview Day
  • Feb. 14; Half Day for students
  • Feb. 17; President's Day - No School
  • Feb. 19; Coffee with Coker - Palmetto Room; 8-11 a.m.
  • Feb. 26; ASVAB Testing; 8:30-12:30 a.m.
The student news site of Wando High School

Tribal Tribune

The student news site of Wando High School

Tribal Tribune

The student news site of Wando High School

Tribal Tribune

Alli Ryan

Alli Ryan, Co-Editor in Chief

Senior Co-Editor in Chief Alli Ryan is a third year staffer who writes, designs, and takes photos. She has an unnatural love for her dog Mugzy and an impulsive drive to rid the world of all dust everywhere.

All content by Alli Ryan
"Hawkeye" hits the bullseye

“Hawkeye” hits the bullseye

Alli Ryan, Co-Editor in Chief
December 9, 2021
Teacher Joshua Driscoll explains aspects of nature around Wando to students.

Wando wellness week

Alli Ryan, Writing Editor
February 2, 2021
Charleston’s Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge brightens up the cloudy winter sky on Feb. 8, 2021.

The road to recovery

Alli Ryan, Writing Editor
January 29, 2021
Mary Micheal O'hara stands in a mock protest.

What makes Gen-Z Gen-Z

Alli Ryan, Writing Editor
November 21, 2020
A generation tattooed

A generation tattooed

Alli Ryan, Writing Editor
October 20, 2020
Bynum named valedictorian

Bynum named valedictorian

Alli Ryan, Staff Writer
June 10, 2020
Jackson Weeks smiles on his porch.

Senior spotlight: Jackson Weeks

Alli Ryan, Staff writer
May 18, 2020
Fascination found in watches

Fascination found in watches

Alli Ryan, Staff Writer
April 14, 2020

Little Women

Alli Ryan
January 16, 2020
Band breaking records

Band breaking records

Alli Ryan, Staff Writer
November 7, 2019
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Alli Ryan